Hi, in this video sasuke the last moveset mod made by jin kazama link to mod : http://www.nexusmods.com/narutorevolution/mods/150/? link to creator's channel.... Naruto storm revolution : expansion pack is a mod for naruto storm revolution and the goal of this mod is add char or new costume for the game naruto revolution. hello guest register or sign in last update 4 years ago. watchers 22 members. files 1. articles 2. you may also like.. Naruto storm revolution : roster mod storm 4 + moveset from storm 4 kok punya ane file not found.kalo pake patchdata yang ke-1 ada naruto sama sasuke the last tapi lainnya not found.kalo pake pachdata yang ke-2 gak ada file not found tapi gak ada naruto ama sasuke the last.mohon pencerahannya..
Zw design - holografia - sasuke | doovi