Burnout among young teachers appears to be contagious, indicates a new study led by michigan state university education scholars.. This study investigated the levels of job burnout among 300 university teachers including lecturers, readers and professors. using maslach burnout inventory-educator's survey, the results indicated that lecturers have high level of emotional exhaustion and are found to be significantly different on emotional exhaustion from professors and readers.. A questionnaire about job stress and burnout among the science and mathematics teachers in basic education schools was conducted among the science and mathematics teachers in xi’an city, xianyang city and zhanjiang city..
Burnout and work-life balance among university teachers in. north cyprus: a case study emmanuel anaele institute of science and technology, girne american university. The study examines sick leave due to burnout among 476 university teachers in pakistan and finland and its relationship with a number of psychosocial concomitants with the help of a web-based. Our study showed that teachers working in elementary schools exhibit more burnout (both general and diversity-related) than those working with older students; diversity-related burnout among home-room teachers was also found to be higher as compared to subject teachers..